Free Tyre Safety Check

Free Tyre Safety Check for your Citroën 

Regular tyre safety checks reduce the risks of an incident while on the roads, however an estimated one-in-five drivers have never checked the tread on their tyres, a startling number which rises to one-in-three among young drivers. Checking and maintaining tyres also reduces the cost of motoring as underinflated tyres will wear quicker and cause the vehicle to use more fuel.

So we'd like to encourage you to check your tyre pressures (which is a quick and easy job to do) or pop in for a quick and simple check with us and we'll do this for you completely FREE OF CHARGE. Simply call or email us to book at your convenience, stating you'd like a FREE TYRE SAFETY CHECK. 

Free Tyre Safety Check available by booking in via our online booking system or via telephone booking. We may not be able to accommodate customers who arrive without a booking until a slot has become available.

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